Meuacide: the extinction of emotions

Meuacide is defined as the extinction of emotions: (From meuə– an Indo-European root for words such as remove, motion and emotion plus cide, meaning to kill). Caused by forces that, for example, destroy psychological, cultural and biophysical diversity. As rich and diverse emotional connections to place and home at all scales are erased they are replaced with … Continue reading Meuacide: the extinction of emotions


“Soliphilia” is the love of the totality of our place relationships, and a willingness to accept the political responsibility for protecting and conserving them at all scales. The concept has its origins in the French solidaire (interdependent) and the Latin solidus (solid or whole), and the love of one’s fellow citizens and neighbors implied by the Greek … Continue reading Soliphilia

Solastalgia, the Symbiotic Emotion and the Symbiocene

Solastalgia and the Psyche As a philosopher, I tread with trepidation into the realm of psychiatry. While both disciplines have overlapping domains in the mind/brain nexus, they also diverge into many areas where there seems very little mutual contact. That only psychiatry has a clinical context is also a major point of departure. One area … Continue reading Solastalgia, the Symbiotic Emotion and the Symbiocene